What are FTAs?
FTAs are government-to-government legal agreements where Singapore & trade partners adhere to commitments within the FTAs to promote and facilitate trade. No two FTAs are the same, with different details and commitments.
Each FTA is split into chapters covering different aspects of trade. The main chapters cover i) Trade in Goods, ii) Trade in Services, and iii) Investments.
Use the Tariff Finder to search the tariffs and requirements to export your goods via FTAs:

You may not need FTAs if you are exporting goods and :
- You are exporting products to a Free Trade Zone or Special Economic Zone
- Your product already enjoys 0% import tariffs in your export market(s)
- There are existing WTO agreements that eliminate tariffs (e.g. the WTO Information Technology Agreement for IT products)
Learn more about FTAs and how to use them
In line with global trends, our FTAs are expanding to include more issues of interest, e.g. e-commerce, intellectual property rights, competition, government procurement and dispute settlement.
Other Singapore economic agreements
Digital Economy Agreements (DEAs)
Increase business efficiency through established frameworks for digital trade.
Double Tax Avoidance Agreements (DTAs)
Access relief from double taxation of income.
International Investment Agreements (IIAs)
Gain fair treatment and protection for your overseas investments.
Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs)
Speed up entry into overseas markets for your exports.