About EnterpriseSG
About Us

Championing enterprise growth

The world is changing constantly at a rapid pace, and technology is disrupting companies, industries, and the way we do business. With Asia as the world’s current growth engine and Singapore right at the centre of it all, opportunities may be rich, but competition is more intense than ever.

In this environment, companies need to act nimbly and integrate capability building, innovation, and internationalisation in their strategies to prepare their businesses for the future.

Enterprise Singapore was formed with this in mind. Growing Singapore companies is at the heart of our work. Today, we are committed to working with businesses to support your growth at every stage.


Developing resilient and competitive industries

One agency to champion enterprise growth

To help businesses navigate today’s business environment, we adopt a company-centric approach, providing programmes and support catered to your company’s stage of growth, industry, and overseas markets of interest.

Together with our extensive network of local and overseas partners, we support the efforts to enhance industry and enterprise competitiveness through the 23 Industry Transformation Maps. We also work with companies to capture new market share through upgrading and innovation; adopt new technologies to improve productivity; facilitate expansion into overseas markets; and strengthen leadership capabilities.

Beyond growing enterprises, we will continue our efforts to build trust in our products and services through quality and standards, and establish Singapore as a leading startup and trading hub.


For enquiries, please contact us.

Learn more about us

  • Subsidiaries

    Learn more about our subsidiaries which help to enable the growth of Singapore enterprises.

  • Be a Partner

    Work with Enterprise Singapore to grow the capabilities of Singapore startups and enterprises.

  • Year-In-Review 2023

    Find out how we helped businesses transform and grow.

  • Careers

    Embark on an exciting career with us to grow stronger local enterprises.

  • Contact Us

    Reach out to us through our online form or hotline.

Not sure where to start?

Speak with an experienced advisor at the SME Centres to explore solutions tailored to your business needs.