United States

Total bilateral trade in goods with Singapore (2024)
Step into new high-growth markets
China’s Shenzhen is known as the “Silicon Valley of Hardware” due to its strong manufacturing base. The city has developed an entire network of product development enablers and intermediaries to support the high concentration of electronic manufacturers.
If you have a hardware startup and wish to collaborate with local partners in Shenzhen, reach out to us to identify potential partners for your company through makerspaces and accelerators in Shenzhen.
Kickstart hardware startups
With a mature supply chain, Shenzhen has attracted prominent hardware startups like drone maker DJI, accelerators such as HAX Accelerator and makerspaces such as Chaihuo. Makerspaces are collaborative workspaces where people with shared interests meet to develop projects and exchange ideas, equipment and knowledge.
Bring your hardware startup to Shenzhen and get easy access to small-batch prototyping and hardware solution providers. Get help to transform your concepts into products quickly and at a lower cost.
If you have a hardware startup and wish to collaborate with local partners in Shenzhen, reach out to us to identify potential partners for your company through makerspaces and accelerators in Shenzhen.
Unlock key relationships
Strong relationships are crucial to doing business in China, where “guan xi” (“relationship” in Chinese) drives the business culture.
Launch your venture into the China market by working with experienced partners in China. If you are looking for manufacturing partners, choose a factory experienced in building similar products to yours. They may offer valuable advice on the best way to build your product. Make it a point to meet with potential business partners to build trust, and visit the local facilities to learn more about their production and processes.
Stake your claim through trademark
China has a “first to file” system, so it is important to trademark your products and services. The rights to a trademark are awarded to the first party to apply, instead of the first to use it, even if the trademark has already been registered in other countries. Trademarking also prevents others from attempting to buy your product rights.

Total bilateral trade in goods with Singapore (2024)
Step into new high-growth markets
Indonesia has Southeast Asia’s largest population, at 275 million people. It is expected to be the fourth largest economy by 2050. With a median age of 29, the young and increasingly affluent workforce will propel the demand for mobile phones and other consumer electronics products.
Growing consumer electronics market
Indonesia is the 4th largest smartphone market globally, after China, India and the United States, with the number of smartphone users amounting to 179 million in 2021. The Indonesian government’s nationwide implementation of 4G, coupled with rising consumer incomes, was a significant growth driver for the smartphone market.
Moreover, the increasingly tech-savvy population is fuelling the adoption of a tech-driven lifestyle. The smart home market is also picking up, with revenue expecting to show a CAGR of 17.50% and a projected market volume of US$730 million by 2026.
Ride on this growth potential in consumer electronics to enter the Indonesian market.
Form strategic partnerships
Consider forming strategic partnerships with local players to facilitate your entry into Indonesia. Research and stay updated on the latest regulations to ensure that your products comply with the requirements of the Indonesian market.
If you plan to set up a manufacturing facility in Indonesia, Central Java is an affordable option. Consider launching your business at Kendal Industrial Park, which offers easy access to infrastructure development, land ownership and construction, as well as a large manpower pool.
Take advantage of the available tax reductions for electronics manufacturers. Indonesia offers tax exemptions for select sectors, such as the communication devices industry.

Total bilateral trade in goods with Singapore (2024)
Step into new high-growth markets
Malaysia is home to many semiconductor and electronics MNCs, drawn by Malaysia’s status as a manufacturing hub with supportive government policies and a skilled workforce. Its proximity to Singapore allows Singapore manufacturers to easily manage their manufacturing facilities in the country.
A mature and reliable manufacturing hub
With a focus on semiconductors, electronics manufacturing services and petrochemicals, Malaysia is one of Southeast Asia’s key manufacturing hubs. Each state has its own niche – Penang is a major semiconductor hub, Johor focuses on electronics manufacturing services, while Selangor provides manufacturing, warehousing and logistics services.
If you are keen to establish manufacturing opportunities in Malaysia, reach out to us and we will connect you with suitable partners.

Total bilateral trade in goods with Singapore (2024)
Growing global demand for electronics
The United States (US) is the world’s largest consumer economy, where consumer spending drives nearly 70% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). E-commerce sales comprised 14.6% of total retail sales in the US in 2020, up from 10.7% in 2019.
Opportunities driven by consumer spending
Consumer electronics companies can find numerous business opportunities in the US market. Be sure to sort out manufacturing and supply chain issues before investing, and utilise distribution partners to make full use of the e-commerce and retail channels in the market.
Have a marketing plan in place and clearly communicate your brand story to US consumers. A good marketing strategy will go a long way to convince distributors and retailers to take a chance on your brand.
Employ staff who are based in the US, so they can work on leads and generate new ones at tradeshows to help you effectively scale your business.