Review of 3Q 2023 Trade Performance
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: Review of 3Q 2023 Trade Performance

MR No.: 059/23

Singapore, Wednesday, 22 November 2023


Total Merchandise Trade

  • Declined 16.4% in 3Q 2023, following the 18.7% contraction in 2Q 2023
  • Non-oil trade down 14.1%; oil trade declined 25.1% amid lower oil prices than a year ago
  • Both non-oil domestic exports (NODX: -18.8%) and re-exports (NORX: -10.3%) declined

2023 and 2024 Forecasts

  • 2023: Narrowed to “around -10.0%” for total merchandise trade and downgraded to “-12.5% to -12.0%” for NODX; due to worse-than-expected performance to-date, while global electronics demand remained sluggish given elevated inventory levels
  • 2024: Modest recovery of “+4.0% to +6.0%” for total merchandise trade and “+2.0% to +4.0%” for NODX – higher expected oil prices in 2024 to support oil trade and in turn total trade; NODX could pick up in tandem with expected turnaround in global electronics demand

Total Services Trade

  • Decreased by 1.9% to reach S$189 billion in 3Q 2023

Click here to read the full report.