Centres of Innovation (COI)

Shorten your time to market with industry-specific innovation resources

Develop and test your solutions before you go to market.

Access facilities and collaborate with experts in polytechnics and research institutes across industries covering aquaculture, energy, electronics, supply chain management, environment and water, food, complementary health products, and precision engineering.

Centres of Innovation

As announced in Budget 2023, expenditure on qualifying innovation projects carried out through selected COIs can receive 400% tax deductions, up to an expenditure cap. Find out more about the Enterprise Innovation Scheme here.

How can this benefit your business?

Connect with COIs to:

Scale in new growth areas through emerging technologies

Increase efficiency through collaboration, pooled resources and knowledge sharing

Upskill your workforce with facilitated training and coaching from qualified experts

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How to get started with COIs

  • Steps
  • Identify an area of focus
  • Identify your needs
  • Select a COI that suits your industry
  • Aquaculture
  • Built Environment – Advanced Materials
  • Beauty and personal care
  • Complementary health products
  • Electronics
  • Energy
  • Environment and water
  • Food
  • Precision engineering industries
  • Supply chain management
  • Urban agriculture
  • Shared R&D facilities
  • Technical expertise
  • Training and coaching
Find all information about the respective centres within our directory listing.

More innovation support initiatives

Looking for a suitable COI?

Explore our list of COIs and choose the most relevant one to your respective industry.