About this financing scheme
Whether you are planning to develop new capabilities, create new products or expand your business footprint overseas, having access to the right financing is crucial to realise your growth ambitions.
The Enterprise Financing Scheme (EFS) is a comprehensive tool to enable Singapore enterprises to access financing more readily across all stages of growth.
It covers seven areas to address enterprises’ financing needs: green loans, working capital loans, fixed asset loans, venture debt loans, trade loans, project loans, as well as Merger & Acquisition loans.
EnterpriseSG will share the loan default risk in the event of enterprise insolvency with the Participating Financial Institutions.
Note that a higher risk share will be considered for the following:
Types of loans
Green Loan
Finance green growth projects -
SME Working Capital Loan
Finance daily operational cashflow needs -
SME Fixed Assets Loan
Finance the investment of domestic and overseas fixed assets -
Venture Debt Loan
Finance the growth of innovative enterprises using Venture Debt and warrants or redeemable convertible preference shares -
Trade Loan
Finance trade needs -
Project Loan
Finance the fulfilment of secured overseas projects -
Mergers & Acquisitions Loan
Finance the acquisition of target enterprises with the intent of internationalisation
More information on the schemes can be found in the individual pages.
Financial capability courses
EnterpriseSG curates and develops financing courses, masterclasses and workshops to help local enterprises build and enhance their capabilities in basic and advanced financing topics.
Developed with each enterprise’s needs in mind, the curated interactive courses involve games, sharing and networking sessions by financing experts and practitioners with case studies, panel discussions and fireside chats.
Call for Partners
We are keen to work with industry partners on financing capability courses, masterclasses and workshops. Interested partners can reach out to us here to explore collaboration opportunities.
Financing guides and playbooks
EnterpriseSG has developed various financing playbooks and guides to help enterprises enhance their financing knowledge.