Key government platforms and projects
Sino–Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (SSTEC)
Singapore–Liaoning Economic and Trade Council (SLETC)
Singapore–Shandong Business Council (SSBC)
Singapore–Tianjin Economic and Trade Council (STETC)

Established in 2003, the SLETC is an engagement platform for both Chinese and Singapore political leaders and businessmen to interact and exchange ideas.
The SLETC's key focus areas include:- Sustainable development
- Trade and connectivity
- Modern services

Established in 1993, the SSBC was formed to deepen economic and trade cooperation between Singapore and Shandong.
The SSBC's key focus areas include:- Trade and connectivity
- Sustainable development
- Modern services
Mr Chee Hong Tat, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Finance, is the Co-Chairman of SSBC.

Established in 2007, the STETC aims to promote broader exchanges and cooperation between the business communities of Tianjin and Singapore.
The STETC's key focus areas include:- Smart and sustainable development
- Trade and investment
- People-to-people exchanges
Learn about the North China region

This is a national strategy that China initiated to coordinate the development of the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei regional cluster. It strives to optimally locate various industry sectors in strategic clusters across the three provinces to create a better economic structure, cleaner environment, and improved public services.

As China’s political and economic hub, Beijing ranks top in China by GDP per capita, supported by a highly developed services sector, strong education and healthcare system. It also offers startups opportunities through its talent and innovation ecosystem.

Hebei is known for its natural resources, heavy industries and the establishment of Xiong’an New Area – a state-level economic zone that provides new areas for potential investors ranging from real estate to finance.

With advanced manufacturing, electronics, petrochemicals, automotive, aerospace and aviation industries, Tianjin offers plenty of opportunities for international businesses looking to invest.

Liaoning houses over 100 million people and is an affordable and attractive business investment option, with advanced manufacturing and modern services.

Shandong has a robust chemical and metal processing industrial sector, which holds opportunities for Singapore companies in the green economy, such as in energy efficiency and management, green manufacturing or green consultancy.
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